We need more Asia

You know your circadian rhythm is messed up when even truck stop coffee doesn’t keep you from getting tired at inopportune times. My name is Josh and this is Uber King of the Queen City. I hit the road the Friday before last determined to drive until I hit the time limit and the app cut me off and that is exactly what I did. My second ride that day was a journey to the airport wherein I listened to my rider argue with the property management company of his building about getting assurance that a boot would not be put on his car while he was out of town which proved to be quite entertaining from an outsider’s perspective. Last Sunday, I gave a ride to a man from Micronesia wherein we had a brief conversation about colonization and its effect on one’s heritage. This past week was a really good week for tips, as in they represented a third of my earnings after four days. Thanksgiving night was a weird phenomenon in itself. It seems there weren’t a ton of drivers on the road, leading me to have several long pickups. In addition, there were several early Black Friday shoppers calling  on me for a lift. That does it for this entry. Stay gold.